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here comes the sun!
I grew up thinking that the sun was something to avoid. ?áSo, I put sunscreen on daily during the summer, and I avoided the sun as much as possible. ?áWell, as it turns out, a little bit of sunshine is good for you. ?áSunburns are still to be avoided, but a little daily sunshine is…
Festive Fun: DIY Shirley Temple Kit
Shirley Temple Kit with?áhomemade grenadine! ?áWhat could be more Christmasy than the Canadian version of the Shirley Temple drink? ?á2 parts ginger ale and 1 part orange juice, over the rocks and with a splash of grenadine? ?áLose the?ámaraschino cherries, unless you can find some without artificial dye (FD&C Red 40) and garnish with pomegranate…
Kept It Simple: More Fire Than Ice
?á Fire and Ice… that’s this month’s theme for our Facebook Friends’ Photos!?áIf you “like”?áFleurbain on Facebook,?áyou can upload pics to our wall on the theme of “Fire and Ice”. We’ll announce a new theme every month!
DIY Decor Gloves Superb Giftee
I have a small, possibly boring (no! Don’t leave!) story to share. A couple of years back, I had a job in “The Fashion Industry”. One of the little perks they’d give us was access to a mass Sample Sale twice a year. Leftovers from the stores, samples that were made and discarded, and assorted…
a bitter DIY gift idea
I made this bottle of bitters so that folks in my family would have a “just in case” digestive boost to carve through the season of excess otherwise known as Christmas. ?áThe small bottle of bitters in the middle of the above photo illustrates the type of approach I like to take for labeling things…
December 6th.
December 6, 1989. Fourteen bright young women were singled out and killed in Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique.?áI, personally, will never forget that day. Today I look out at Montreal’s snow, and think about?áour loss of those women and?áthe violence that persists against women all over the world. We have to remain strong and support each other,…
Tiny Bubbles… DIY felted soap, the gift that keeps on giving
Felted soap is a lovely and unique?ágift that just takes a bit of patience, but anyone can do it! You need some wool roving, a soap of any type, a bit of bubble wrap (or a bamboo mat, or a texured waterproof surface), a towel, an old pair of nylons, and then some hot water…