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Tag: food
Awesome & Easy to Grow Winter Sprouts
You can easily grow sprouts on your counter in colder months. Soak seeds, then place in a jar, rinsing twice daily and letting them drain. Homegrown sprouts taste fresh, and make a delightful addition to meals. You can find sprouting seeds at health food stores or online. Use a non-rusting, easy-to-clean lid.
Healthy & Easy Valentine’s Day Recipes from Nourishee at Fleurbain
The linked content offers simple recipes perfect for Valentine’s Day. It also mentions Mountain Rose Herbs as a source for ingredients like damiana. Links to specific recipes are included.
Small Works Again!
Small Works Again, our annual small works show, opened last night to the tune of a very fun Pie Party. Guests and friends and participating artists enjoyed a potluck Pie fest alongside a wine and cheese. For the first time, we have featured a small craft/card table for participating artists to share some of their…
Fleurbain. Is open.
YES! We did it! We opened our doors to the public… On November 5th, we had a?á party and business-launch and vernissage of art! It was a fabulous evening. We are proud and happy to announce that we are HERE. You can join us! Tammy is available for full consultations and mini consultations. ?áPlease email…
Food + Factory
The following is an image of a painting that I’d made for a May Day?áart exhibition a few years back. I was thinking about the industrialisation of farming, and the untold suffering that migrant (and non-migrant) farm workers suffer so that we can be fed cheaply. Just a couple of technical details for those painters…
stayin’ cool with delicious style
Photographer Julie Webb offered up this pic of how she’s Stayin’ Cool in August: She mentions: “I’m stayin’ cool in August with this frozen banana, blueberry, nectarine, scoop of PB, drizzle of maple syrup, almond milk smoothie. Yum!” Yum indeed!!! Oh, my stars! Thanks, Julie! If you’d like to share how you’re stayin’ cool in…
smoked salmon and goat’s cheese dolmades
Recently, circumstances conspired?áso?áthat I had the means to create a new recipe, using ingredients I don’t usually have on hand.?áI?áhad a package of thawed smoked salmon (thank you, friend who moved and cleaned out her freezer into mine!) The other day I noticed that goat’s cheese was on sale at my local supermarket. I had…
savour summer with tea-time in a park
I like to go for coffee with friends a couple times a week. ?áThese are always important times for me where I am able to relax and unwind and just be with my buds. ?á When you live in a city and you have such a small apartment that your living room is also your…
Simple Fast Salad
A?ávery simple, easy and delicious (oh yes, and nutritious) salad was my fast lunch today. ?áI used prewashed, organic arugula?ágreens from my local grocery, accompanied by?ádelicious stuff?áI had in my cupboards. I “mixed” it all on the plate I ate off of. It took about a minute to make lunch, and about three to eat.…