chicken, sprouts, cheese, and extra flavours

I like to eat well. Every couple of weeks I make a chicken, I buy (and sometimes take the time to grow) organic sprouts. I prefer unpasteurised?ácheese?á(less processing and?ábetter flavour!) I am?átrying to avoid the mysterious ingredients and?ápriciness of restaurant or take-out foods. No I am not perfect, and too often enjoy indulgences, but for day-to-day living this plan?áhas been working?áfor me.

delicious and convenient

?áFor my typical busily scheduled day, this?álunch is about as perfect as a lunch can get:

Layer in a glass jar:

  • pieces of boneless chicken
  • sprouts (or other salad greens, should you have them)
  • pieces of tasty cheese
  • a glob of mustard
  • about two tablespoons of olive oil and balsamic or red wine vinegar
  • sprinkle of salt, pepper, dill

Close up, shake around as much as you wish, and?átake with a fork to eat later. Mmm…

Natasha Henderson, Montreal