
  • taking care of things

    We have a couple of new mascots in Fleurbain, and both would like to wish you a merry Christmas. Lady B came onto the scene at the same time as Rosemary, who had spent the summer in our friendly neighbourhood community garden. They are both over-wintering in Fleurbain, taking full advantage of our large bright…

  • gluten-free peppernuts

    This is something I introduced to my family a few years ago. At first my family did not know what they were; they had so many questions! Why are these cookies so small? Are these cookies for humans? Uhhh, yes. After a brief explanation, these peppernuts have been a continuous hit. I decided to modify…

  • new traditions

    Christmas is quickly approaching and I am in a bit of a funk. I guess this is what happens when you put together the following: I enjoy making traditional foods to mark the holidays, I lost 25 pounds this year by maintaining a somewhat consistent effort in modifying my diet and adding a good dose…

  • “Small Works” have big influence

    Small Works, the exhibition currently in Fleurbain, has had an effect on me. I spend a few hours each day in the presence of this collection of artworks. There are works by twelve artists (or artistic teams) to enjoy, and it is all food for thought. I like to compare and contrast the different approaches…

  • small works

    Some of Montreal’s artistic talents have come forth to present their gifts… to you. Visit us at Fleurbain during this season to take in some painting, photography and more… not to mention a cup of tea or glass of wine (depending on time of day!) BIG VERNISSAGE: Saturday December 10, 6-9pm Sunday December 11, 3-9pm…

  • DIY: revive failed knitting

    We all do it. Don’t be ashamed. If you know how to knit, you have some… FAILED KNITTING. An anecdote: A friend of mine announced she was pregnant with her second child. In anticipation, I bought a pattern for a cute little sweater. Friend had baby: A girl! So I bought some pink-ish wools and…

  • Point Counter Point

    Our first exhibition in Fleurbain’s gallery space is on until December 7th… Natasha Henderson presents Point Counter Point, a suite of paintings that use the music and concepts of JS Bach as a point of beginning. The works are richly layered with paint and ideas. Counterpoint is a method of music in which concurrent themes…

  • up the mountain

    Last week while I was on a new (to me) part of Mount Royal, I took a photo of the trees. Little did I realise (well ok, I did know it was coming soon) that within a matter of days this scene would be covered with snow. I might get back for a white version…

  • just do it yourself!

    Last week I was interviewed for a documentary focusing on the cosmetic industry in Canada. ?áIt was so much fun! ?áMy basic message was that if we are concerned by what is in our cosmetics, we can use our creativity and empower ourselves to make our own. ?áYes, there is much to do in terms…

  • creative building blocks

    Creativity knows no bounds… but it does work better when there are?ásome constraints! I read an article last night in the Globe and Mail, written by Russell Smith. I agree with his musings. I have seen students grow in their creative endeavours when there are?áconstraints placed on them, a few rules they must adjust to.…