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Non-Toxic Art
by Natasha Henderson, Montreal As some of you may know, I am a painter. I paint in oils, which are a lush and rich material. Pigment is suspended in oil, it slowly dries, it holds its body and texture and translucency… it is like painting?áwith light. Who wouldn’t want to paint with light? It sounds…
Jing, jing, jing! A president’s promise puts me in such a state!
As I sit here, hypnotized by pleasant photos and cheery colours and persuaded by promise, I have to hand it to him; he really knows how to get a gal excited about the holidays!?á?áGalen Weston, I have no idea why I am under the influence of his spell, other than having just flipped through the?áPresident’s…
Then there was the season when oversized leaves were all the rage to tuck into one’s hat. copyright Natasha Henderson
Trois Experiences: Trying To Eat Vegetarian In Meat-Loving Restaurants.
Experience Deux: La Bistro Sur La Rivi?¿re. by Natasha Henderson, Montreal Le Bistro Sur La Rivi?¿re… it is a small bistro. It is a bistro that takes pride in its meats, in its?ágenerously overflowing?ápresentations of?áfood. It is a bistro that is on Larivi?¿re, the street that is behind my massive studio building. My first experience…
A Reader’s Cat (or Honourary Cat)… Jewel!
From the USA is Jewel: Psycho-Kitty Qu’est-ce que C’est? Thank you to our Facebook Fan Peter for this photo! Jewel. (Psycho-Kitty qu’ est-ce que c’est?) USA If you would like to see your pet immortalized on this site, become a fan on Facebook, and upload your cat (or honourary cat)’s pic with his name and…
Oh, How Easy It Is! Non-Toxic Cleaning Products
Did you know that you could actually clean most anything using insanely common items such as baking soda, soap and vinegar? Way back in the day, yes, all the way back in 2005, I went to a “make your own cleaning products” workshop at La Co-op La Maison Verte .?á At this very workshop my…
Making Some Options Viable: Healthy Poutine!
?á by Natasha Henderson, Montreal ?á When I moved across the country from British Columbia’s Vancouver Island to Montreal, Quebec a little over three years ago, I knew that I would experience many changes. Not the least of these changes, I felt, would be to my diet. I had in mind that I would indulge…