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DIY Baked Goods are a Hit!
One of the best gifts to give at this time of the year is home-made goodies. ?áHere is a recipe that I adapted from?áNigella Christmas by?áNigella Lawson?á(2008). ?áThis one does not require baking and easy to make. Rocky Road that tastes like Christmas 175g unsalted butter 400g dark chocolate, broken into pieces 3 tablespoons agave…
I gotta hand it to you… DIY Hand Puppet!
Hand-puppets… they are fun, functional, and CUTE. Capital “c” cute. Cute! They are easy to make, and you can combine your imagination with whatever materials that are available to make something pretty cool. To start, find some fabric that is big enough to fit your hand with fingers spread widely, twice. When I made my…
DIY festive aromatherapy spray
Tonight I made a nice little aromatherapy spray to bring the season’s cheeriness into my home! Here’s how I did it. Combine in a spray bottle: 30ml vodka 50 drops essential oils of your choosing. ?áI chose cinnamon, cloves, cedar, eucalyptus, cardamom, sweet orange and star anise. ?áAll of these oils were 100% natural, organic,…
DIY Gift Idea: Coasters
Last year I gave my family all?áa variation of the same thing for Christmas… Coasters. They were Cute felt coasters,?á decorative and waterproof!?á Real wool felt is great for this project, because wool is a natural insulator from temperatures and also moisture. I like to line the felt with cork, for an added layer of…
Walking on a cold night in Petite Italie
?áphoto by Natasha Henderson, Montreal. Share YOUR pics with us all by joining our Facebook page!
Tips for a Green Christmas – part One
Green Christmas Tip Number One: Wrap gifts with pretty scarves, I can get them second-hand or 5 for $10 at Ardene. They are a gift in themselves and can be tied to make knot-purses, table runners, etc. I add to the scarf idea by tying the corners to 2 bangles to make a nice bag.…