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These Jiz?ì figures are small stone statues of the Buddhist protector of travellers and children. ?áThe ones pictured here are found in the Daien Temple, located in the Megruro district of Tokyo. ?áEarlier this week, Deborah sent in photos of this garden. ?áWe are posting this one today as we think about people displaced and…
Custom Workshops: have creativity, will travel
The brains behind Fleurbain, Tammy Schmidt CHT and Natasha Henderson BFA,?áare pleased to announce an exciting new service: Customised Workshops. Combine these two women’s talents?áfor an inventive and?áinnovative experience that is tailored to meet your needs. For groups, clubs,?ácorporate teams, or?ájust a?ágathering of friends, Tammy and Natasha will craft?áa unique?áworkshop with the greatest of expertise…
green with ivy
Photo submission from our friend Deborah?áOstrovsky. If you have a photo that you wish to contribute to our “craving green” theme this month, please send your submission to our facebook page.
making things better
Nigella Lawson is a woman who knows food, and she’s not afraid to show her love for it. ?áIn the last few weeks I have discovered a great recipe from her latest cookbook called Kitchen. ?áBeyond being tasty, this recipe has made my life much less complicated. It is her mother’s Praised chicken. ?áIn the…
Canadian Women Artists
There are some Canadian women artists whom I personally adore. Over the years they have proven to be an inspiration to me for my painting. These women are: Joanne Tod, Landon MacKenzie, Sandra Meigs,?áGathie Falk, and to a lesser degree Mary Pratt and Emily Carr. However, when recently asked to give a presentation about art…
Women Artists… we should all know more about this
When you look at the History of Art, you might wonder why there aren’t as many women in the books as there are men. Why is it that the grand, romantic notion of the solo artist, imparting brilliance and genius upon the sorry masses, is?áalways associated with a male figure??áWho says that this is really…
Featured Artist: Natasha Henderson
Natasha Henderson is a painter who has?áresided in Montreal for almost four years. Originally from Comox, British Columbia, she graduated with her BFA from the Emily Carr University in Vancouver in 1998. Her work has been exhibited and collected across North America. Her paintings delve into questions about?áartistic representations of?álandscape. She uses the language and…
Featured Artist: share your art
Fleurbain is proud to announce that we will feature a different artist in our online space every month.?áOur first artist is?áone of the women behind Fleurbain, Natasha Henderson. Artists who are interested in being featured are welcome to email: -?áthree to five jpegs of their work (no larger than 1200 pixels on their longest side,…