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private and custom painting lessons
Now offered in Fleurbain… painting workshops that are tailored to you. Whether?áyou want to try painting just once, or would like to paint?áover?áseveral days, we?ácan accommodate you. Private?áor semi-private painting lessons for any level, in oil or acrylic, for any number of people from one to eight… let’s paint together! Instructor Natasha Henderson has years…
lunch to go
I like to eat well. Every couple of weeks I make a chicken, I buy (and sometimes take the time to grow) organic sprouts. I prefer unpasteurised?ácheese?á(less processing and?ábetter flavour!) I am?átrying to avoid the mysterious ingredients and?ápriciness of restaurant or take-out foods. No I am not perfect, and too often enjoy indulgences, but for…
site under construction
Fleurbain is under construction. Fleurbain is moving… moving in, setting up shop, shifting around, clarifying, distilling, and experimenting to compound our knowledge and expertise. Fleurbain is no longer only a dream and a website… Fleurbain is a site. We will have a grand ouverture and vernissage soon (probably in early November), but in the meantime…
List of Fall Art Classes
ACRYLIC PAINTING LEVEL ONE: In this course, students with very little or no painting experience will learn about painting techniques, and practice these techniques through creative exercises. Students will not only learn and enjoy the process of painting, but will lose that fear of the blank canvas. DATES: September 25-November 27 Sundays 9:30am-12pm (10 weeks)…
mmmm, good food
Last week Julie shared her recipe for Chocolate Date Truffles?áwith all of us. ?áShe is also working at perfecting a savoury muffin recipe. ?áI tried both of these recipes over the weekend and they were amazing!!! ?áThe beauty of it all is that I was able to make both recipes, from start to finish, in…
Food + Factory
The following is an image of a painting that I’d made for a May Day?áart exhibition a few years back. I was thinking about the industrialisation of farming, and the untold suffering that migrant (and non-migrant) farm workers suffer so that we can be fed cheaply. Just a couple of technical details for those painters…