Tag: winter
Snow Painting Experiments… see us at Nuit Blanche this Saturday!
Lately, our neighbourhood has been decorated with something like Earth Art crossed with graffiti?ácrossed with scenes from?áan herbalist’s laboratory. We have been practicing and experimenting with “Snow Painting”: using herbs and vegetables as dyes to apply to snow and ice. ?áAs part of an artistic process (similar to dyeing?áfibres, mixing paints from scratch, or crafting…
kick it up a bit in the winter and feel better
A few years ago, I decided to kick up my workouts during the winter so that I would feel great during that dark season. ?áAnd guess what? It worked! My moods were great with the addition of a magic ingredient called exercise.?á For about an hour each day, I worked out in classes that I…
Welsh Snowfall
Thanks to Guest Contributor Greg Howes for these stunning photographs of the recent snowfall in Wales. Greg has a fascinating story that will be featured here, soon! Keep looking… ?á ?á All photographs copyright Greg Howes, 2010.