Tag: trees

  • up the mountain

    Last week while I was on a new (to me) part of Mount Royal, I took a photo of the trees. Little did I realise (well ok, I did know it was coming soon) that within a matter of days this scene would be covered with snow. I might get back for a white version…

  • a cool place in Montreal

    I sat at this scene the other day, painting. It happened to be?áon a crest, and I felt the loveliest?ábreeze lifting off the water. There were some rogue, illegal?ábathers splashing away down below, but no-one seemed to mind. Their laughter and belly flops filled the air with the sound of children, even though they were…

  • Parc Lafontaine

    Parc Lafontaine is?áa gem of a park in the heart of Montreal. It is one of those places that means much to many people. There is a rich history to the park itself, but you can opt to ignore everything and just bask in this oasis.?á Natasha Henderson, Montreal

  • almost spring…

    photo by Natasha Henderson, Montreal Our?áphoto theme for April is The Contrasts of Urban Nature. If you are a fan on our Facebook page, you can upload a photo to our wall. Or, if you prefer, email us at fleurbain@gmail.com with your photo that reflects this theme, your name, and a short description of?áthe pic.

  • How To Paint: a small stand of trees in silhouette

    Everyone likes trees. They are pretty and?áuseful things. So why not paint up a little stand of trees to call your own? Each Sunday, artist Natasha Henderson will guide you through some simple “How To” tips for painting. Having been (honestly) inspired at a young age by the oft-spoofed televised artist Bob Ross, Natasha would…

  • Art Review: Eric Cardinal and Jocelyn Philibert at Galerie [sas]

    Until March 5, 2011 Eric Cardinal presents Histoires?áimprobables and Jocelyn Philibert shows Dans la nuit at Galerie?á[sas]?áin the Belgo Building, at 372 St Catherine Street in Montreal. I was initially lured into this exhibition by a pencil on paper drawing that bore an?áorganic title and appearance. Fungus no. 2, upon further examination, proved to be…

  • january

    It’s a good time for branching out and making connections. Tammy Schmidt, Montreal

  • Greg Howes – A History of Artistic Growth – Part one.

    ?áThe first of a three-part story about an artist I’ve had the pleasure to get to know through the cyber-world. Greg Howes is a multi-talented artist, gardener, historian, writer, actor, and generally very?ácreative person. This is a bit of his story… When Natasha Henderson asked me to write about?áthe motivation behind my art work, I…

  • Welsh Snowfall

    Thanks to Guest Contributor Greg Howes for these stunning photographs of the recent snowfall in Wales. Greg has a fascinating story that will be featured here, soon! Keep looking… ?á ?á All photographs copyright Greg Howes, 2010.

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