Tag: stories

  • Crafting: A Sort of Therapy

    Crafting something from basic materials is a rewarding activity for anyone. When you have made something “from scratch”, you develop a sense of intrinsic accomplishment and pride.?áIn addition to the?ápure joys of making, there is?áthe final physical?áobject that you can use and?ádisplay. Crafting and art-making is good for you, and?ácan be used?áin a?átherapeutic manner. When…

  • DIY: Simple Book-Making

    We’re getting into the crunch-time for gifts, be they DIY?áor store-bought. We all love DIY gifts… but who wants to shop for supplies right now? It’s mayhem out there! One thing you can make out of simple materials that you might have on hand, is a book. A book’s construction?áhas three basic elements: the covers,…

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