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Tag: plants
site under construction
Fleurbain is under construction. Fleurbain is moving… moving in, setting up shop, shifting around, clarifying, distilling, and experimenting to compound our knowledge and expertise. Fleurbain is no longer only a dream and a website… Fleurbain is a site. We will have a grand ouverture and vernissage soon (probably in early November), but in the meantime…
henna time
A few months back I decided to never dye?ámy hair again. Knowing that the toxic chemicals used in hair dye are linked to cancers, why on earth would I opt to have contact with this stuff? Also,?áwith a bit of white hair coming in, I knew it would only be a matter of time until…
sprouting experiment has begun!
As those of you who peeked at this website yesterday probably know, I am attempting to grow sprouts inside my living-space/studio for the first time.?áJust now I soaked, swirled, and now am re-soaking my seeds; the next thing to do is wait about 2-5 hours, then drain them. After that all I need to do…
Photo theme for April: The Contrasts of Urban Nature
It’s April, and vibrant life is appearing all around us again. Spring has?ácertainly?ásprung (at least across North America!) Everywhere there is an urban setting, there is nature too. That little weed pushing its way through the sidewalk crack, the gull resting on top of a lamp-post, sunlight reflecting off buildings… animals, plant-life, and the Elements…
Greg Howes – Part Two
´?? Greg Howes continues?áthe story of his art, inspirations, innovations, and fearless creation. Please see yesterday’s post for the beginning of this story… I?ámoved to Carmarthenshire, south-west Wales in 1990, where fortunately I was able to continue my horticultural career. Shortly after that move I began to combine my love of plants and my passion…
Greg Howes – A History of Artistic Growth – Part one.
?áThe first of a three-part story about an artist I’ve had the pleasure to get to know through the cyber-world. Greg Howes is a multi-talented artist, gardener, historian, writer, actor, and generally very?ácreative person. This is a bit of his story… When Natasha Henderson asked me to write about?áthe motivation behind my art work, I…