Tag: herbs

  • site under construction

    Fleurbain is under construction. Fleurbain is moving… moving in, setting up shop, shifting around, clarifying, distilling, and experimenting to compound our knowledge and expertise. Fleurbain is no longer only a dream and a website… Fleurbain is a site. We will have a grand ouverture and vernissage soon (probably in early November), but in the meantime…

  • henna time

    A few months back I decided to never dye?ámy hair again. Knowing that the toxic chemicals used in hair dye are linked to cancers, why on earth would I opt to have contact with this stuff? Also,?áwith a bit of white hair coming in, I knew it would only be a matter of time until…

  • my little green pals

    ?á ?á I am a proud mama… not only to a cat, but to a vast number of tiny, green lives. This year I started my garden indoors. I was waiting to find out which plot I?áwas allocated?áin the Community Garden, so I?ácouldn’t plant outside. I took a couple of egg cartons, a small bag…

  • Snow Painting Experiments… see us at Nuit Blanche this Saturday!

    Lately, our neighbourhood has been decorated with something like Earth Art crossed with graffiti?ácrossed with scenes from?áan herbalist’s laboratory. We have been practicing and experimenting with “Snow Painting”: using herbs and vegetables as dyes to apply to snow and ice. ?áAs part of an artistic process (similar to dyeing?áfibres, mixing paints from scratch, or crafting…

  • getting greens in the dead of winter

    It is such a shame to spend money on tender greens, then take them home and find out that they froze on the way back from the store. ?áAfter many years of experiencing this, I now use a variety of foods, other than baby salad greens, to get greens in the winter. Here is a…