Tag: health
I have been cleansed
Over the last?áfew weeks I have made a conscious effort to change my diet. I have been?ánourishing myself?áwith good food, learning which foods I have sensitivities to, and?átalking through the entire process with a supportive group of people all doing the same thing. I have lost about ten or so pounds, have lost inches from…
site under construction
Fleurbain is under construction. Fleurbain is moving… moving in, setting up shop, shifting around, clarifying, distilling, and experimenting to compound our knowledge and expertise. Fleurbain is no longer only a dream and a website… Fleurbain is a site. We will have a grand ouverture and vernissage soon (probably in early November), but in the meantime…
getting back to ya: the hairspray!
A few weeks ago, I shared a link to a video that showed how easy and inexpensive (and non-toxic) it can be to make one’s own hairspray. Shortly after, I went out and bought myself an orange (something that I normally don’t buy) and some rum (another thing I don’t buy… I’m a gin or…
herbs for cats
Cats have been a part of my daily life for 14 years now.?á During most of this time I have thought of them as little carnivores, little super predators.?á?á While it is true that they rely on meat for their sustenance, they love plants too.?á They love green stuff like fresh green blades of oats…
it is getting to that point
A Sweeping Epic: An Epic Sweeping. In recent weeks I’ve been feeling a stirring, an urge… and it cannot be denied much longer. Obsession. Thoughts drifting off at highly inappropriate times. Should I do it? Am I ready? I break?áinto a?ánervous sweat.?áGetting ready to… clean. In pre-Spring-cleaning mode, I am thinking about my methods of…
Herbal Creativity… Valentine’s Version
The first Herbal Creativity Spa Weekend workshop was held this last weekend. It was a thoroughly delicious, educational,?ácreative?áand fun experience. Participants learned to make?ásucculent herbal truffles, beautiful felted soaps, and pretty Boudoir Boxes. They enjoyed some herbal teas, made a bath tea, and tasted a?áHealthy Hot Chocolate. They made (and some dared to sample…) a?átrue…
A Friend’s Recent experience becoming a yoga instructor
Guest Contributor Beata Sobolewski shares her transformation from a person who takes yoga classes to becoming a yoga instructor. A few weeks ago I finished a course to become a Yoga Instructor. This journey, which spanned five months, would open my mind to a world of possibilities. From the lessons I learned to the people…
A Brief Report: am running again after an injury
Several months ago I spent a couple of hours in the gym injuring myself. How did I injure myself? In between running on the track and doing some weights, I used a?ástubborn elliptical machine for?áhalf an hour, and then I used a stairmaster afterwards. The?áinflexible machinery, made for a certain?ábody with a particular stride and…
Steingraber exposes the links between the environment, industry and our health
Last night I viewed a compelling documentary called Living Downstream. ?áIt follows the American ecologist, poet and cancer survivor Sandra Steingraber as she tours throughout North America educating people about the links between the environment, industry and health. ?áI found it was a great documentary because it was sensitive to the real issues that must…