Tag: December

  • Welsh Snowfall




    Thanks to Guest Contributor Greg Howes for these stunning photographs of the recent snowfall in Wales. Greg has a fascinating story that will be featured here, soon! Keep looking… ?á ?á All photographs copyright Greg Howes, 2010.

  • Photo Theme for December: Fire and Ice




    Every month at Fleurbain we are offering our Facebook “likers” the chance to upload an image, with a?áshort description about it, to our wall. We will add the image and photographer’s credits and story about the picture to this site. Eternal immortality is the best reward. Our theme for this month is: Fire and Ice.…

  • December 2010

    Let’s face it people, December is one cold, dark month. ?áSo, naturally, we have this urge to light candles, listen to music and decorate. ?áWe spice it up and bring aromatic herbs, spices, citrus and branches into our homes. ?áEach step outside is an act in bravery as face the sharp chill of the air…