Tag: Bookbinding

  • Book Binding Basics

    You need: -Paper?á -Good solid cardboard?á -Scissors or cutting edge?á -Gluestick?á -White glue or rubber cement?á -Cheesecloth or similar fabric?á -Pretty paper or fabric?áfor covering?á -More pretty paper?áfor inside of covers?á-Thread and needle As I mentioned once before, I managed to take a?ábook-making course during my final year of art-school. We learned various techniques to…

  • DIY: Simple Book-Making

    We’re getting into the crunch-time for gifts, be they DIY?áor store-bought. We all love DIY gifts… but who wants to shop for supplies right now? It’s mayhem out there! One thing you can make out of simple materials that you might have on hand, is a book. A book’s construction?áhas three basic elements: the covers,…

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