Tag: art

  • Point Counter Point

    Our first exhibition in Fleurbain’s gallery space is on until December 7th… Natasha Henderson presents Point Counter Point, a suite of paintings that use the music and concepts of JS Bach as a point of beginning. The works are richly layered with paint and ideas. Counterpoint is a method of music in which concurrent themes…

  • creative building blocks

    Creativity knows no bounds… but it does work better when there are?ásome constraints! I read an article last night in the Globe and Mail, written by Russell Smith. I agree with his musings. I have seen students grow in their creative endeavours when there are?áconstraints placed on them, a few rules they must adjust to.…

  • Fleurbain. Is open.

    YES! We did it! We opened our doors to the public… On November 5th, we had a?á party and business-launch and vernissage of art! It was a fabulous evening. We are proud and happy to announce that we are HERE. You can join us! Tammy is available for full consultations and mini consultations. ?áPlease email…

  • Drop-In Painting!

    Ever held an urge to pick up a brush and?áput your thoughts and feelings into paint? Want to try out acrylic painting, but haven’t had the means nor the time for it? For an inspiring and creative Sunday afternoon or Wednesday evening, invest $35 and two hours of your time and see what you can…

  • private and custom painting lessons

    Now offered in Fleurbain… painting workshops that are tailored to you. Whether?áyou want to try painting just once, or would like to paint?áover?áseveral days, we?ácan accommodate you. Private?áor semi-private painting lessons for any level, in oil or acrylic, for any number of people from one to eight… let’s paint together! Instructor Natasha Henderson has years…

  • site under construction

    Fleurbain is under construction. Fleurbain is moving… moving in, setting up shop, shifting around, clarifying, distilling, and experimenting to compound our knowledge and expertise. Fleurbain is no longer only a dream and a website… Fleurbain is a site. We will have a grand ouverture and vernissage soon (probably in early November), but in the meantime…

  • List of Fall Art Classes

    ACRYLIC PAINTING LEVEL ONE: In this course, students with very little or no painting experience will learn about painting techniques, and practice these techniques through creative exercises. Students will not only learn and enjoy the process of painting, but will lose that fear of the blank canvas. DATES: September 25-November 27 Sundays 9:30am-12pm (10 weeks)…

  • Food + Factory

    The following is an image of a painting that I’d made for a May Day?áart exhibition a few years back. I was thinking about the industrialisation of farming, and the untold suffering that migrant (and non-migrant) farm workers suffer so that we can be fed cheaply. Just a couple of technical details for those painters…

  • swing!

    I just walked past the 21 Balan?ºoires at the Quartier des Spectacles in Montreal. ?áI have to say, it is something that made me smile and enjoy the brief moment of nice weather this afternoon. ?áIt seems to have this effect on many people who try them out. ?áIt is the random music, it is…

  • a lazy Sunday painter…

    I am so very, very lazy today. I didn’t have time to prep our Sunday tutorial on painting. I apologize. For this reason, I sourced a link to an official Bob Ross web instructional. You TOO can paint a mountain floating in the sky! In the meantime, I’ll be planning next week’s Sunday Painting tutorial…