Tag: Art History
artists spoke
On March 31, three artists from the current exhibition Art and Architecture graced our podium and ears with their insights into Architecture and Art, citing artistic inspiration as diverse as book gilding, Bauhaus textiles, dreams, and beyond. Today (April 14) at 3pm the exhibition’s remaining three artists will inspire us with talks about their works.…
Professional-ism in the Arts (II): Walk Harder
This morning I found myself reminiscing a little about things that art instructors have said to me that stuck in my memory. I was probably doing this for a few reasons: – I taught a class last night in which a student (who is also a teacher) mentioned “you are a good teacher”. – there…
Women Artists… we should all know more about this
When you look at the History of Art, you might wonder why there aren’t as many women in the books as there are men. Why is it that the grand, romantic notion of the solo artist, imparting brilliance and genius upon the sorry masses, is?áalways associated with a male figure??áWho says that this is really…