Teacosies made by instructor Natasha Henderson
Teacosies made by instructor Natasha Henderson

Due to many requests, we are offering a second chance to take the workshop just offered in January. February 9 and 16, join us for a second round of this fun workshop!

Keep your tea warm and cute. Make your very own teacosy using the wet-felting process, then decorate with goofy (or elegantly arty) additions.

All materials supplied, except for the teapot. We will be making a plastic resist for the felting process, and it will be based on your teapot’s dimensions. However, a form for a “general” teapot shape could be provided, or do bring your teapot for a custom-fitted one.

Cost for the course: $60. Class is for beginner or intermediate felt makers.


Day one: Sunday Feb 9th,?á2-4pm: we will create the form and possibly some extra decorations for the finished project.

Day two: Sunday Feb 16th,?á2-4pm: we will finish off the (now dry!) project, adding little felt additions or stitches or beading… and it’s now ready to take home.

(If you are only available the first day, join us to make the initial form then take home to decorate or finish at your leisure. Cost for single-day is $40.)

See instructor Natasha Henderson’s website for a few examples of her work.

To join in the fun, register by emailing Fleurbain(at)gmail(dot)com

student making felt


One response to “Cosy Up”

  1. NEW DATES ANNOUNCED: Another chance!! February 2 and 9, 2-4pm each day. All details the same. Email me at fleurbain(at)gmail(dot)com for any and all details, or to register.

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