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Category: Uncategorized
Food + Factory
The following is an image of a painting that I’d made for a May Day?áart exhibition a few years back. I was thinking about the industrialisation of farming, and the untold suffering that migrant (and non-migrant) farm workers suffer so that we can be fed cheaply. Just a couple of technical details for those painters…
introducing Julie, the recipe modification genius
Our friend Julie Webb is a brilliant researcher of vegan recipes who often makes insightful modifications to these delicious vegan formulas she finds on various blogs and in great recipe books. One of her latest endeavours that I was able to sample was a simple chocolate truffle made without sugar. ?áIt was perfect! ?á Chocolate…
i love my tiny community garden plot!
… and the apartment sized harvests. Within one hour I picked basil, parsley, tomatoes, stevia, chamomile and lavender.?áI then planted some greens for the fall – a little late, we will see. After that I made a pesto and documented it. Okay, on with the rest of the day! Tammy Schmidt, Montreal.
stayin’ cool with CSA veggies
Our reader Laurie Aaron Dahlquist recently uploaded?ásome beautiful images to our Facebook Page, along the theme of Stayin’ Cool in August. Laurie (like many of us) is a member of a CSA Farm. We wrote one of our first articles on Fleurbain about our own little CSA farm;?áthey hold a dear place in our hearts!…
staying cool with Arnold Palmer
Photograph by reader Laurie Aaron Dahlquist. According to Laurie, the “Arnold Palmer” is half lemonade, half iced tea, and is what she uses to stay cool in August! Upload your pics along?áour photo theme for August: Stayin’ Cool to our Facebook Page, and?áit will be featured on this website! Or email us at Either…