Category: recipes

  • just do it yourself!

    Last week I was interviewed for a documentary focusing on the cosmetic industry in Canada. ?áIt was so much fun! ?áMy basic message was that if we are concerned by what is in our cosmetics, we can use our creativity and empower ourselves to make our own. ?áYes, there is much to do in terms…

  • i made this!

    Recipe to try this week: Kale Chips What to do… Wash and cut out the centre stem from 2 bunches of organic kale. ?áIt is very important to take the time to cut out the centre stem or as they dry they will turn into little sticks that are difficult to chew. ?á(Everyone who attended…

  • nothing to do

    I have a recipe that will add such deliciousness and ease to your day. It is a quick tomato sauce with incredible tang and richness and it was given to me by my yoga instructor and friend who is committed to helping the world stress less, Chitra. The tomato sauce recipe is as simple as…

  • lunch to go

    I like to eat well. Every couple of weeks I make a chicken, I buy (and sometimes take the time to grow) organic sprouts. I prefer unpasteurised?ácheese?á(less processing and?ábetter flavour!) I am?átrying to avoid the mysterious ingredients and?ápriciness of restaurant or take-out foods. No I am not perfect, and too often enjoy indulgences, but for…

  • site under construction

    Fleurbain is under construction. Fleurbain is moving… moving in, setting up shop, shifting around, clarifying, distilling, and experimenting to compound our knowledge and expertise. Fleurbain is no longer only a dream and a website… Fleurbain is a site. We will have a grand ouverture and vernissage soon (probably in early November), but in the meantime…

  • introducing Julie, the recipe modification genius

    Our friend Julie Webb is a brilliant researcher of vegan recipes who often makes insightful modifications to these delicious vegan formulas she finds on various blogs and in great recipe books. One of her latest endeavours that I was able to sample was a simple chocolate truffle made without sugar. ?áIt was perfect! ?á Chocolate…

  • smoked salmon and goat’s cheese dolmades

    Recently, circumstances conspired?áso?áthat I had the means to create a new recipe, using ingredients I don’t usually have on hand.?áI?áhad a package of thawed smoked salmon (thank you, friend who moved and cleaned out her freezer into mine!) The other day I noticed that goat’s cheese was on sale at my local supermarket. I had…

  • chocolate ice cream, my way

    I don’t need no ice cream maker! I don’t need no dairy! Chocolate Ice Cream 2 cups organic?ácoconut milk 1 cup unsweetened chocolate almond milk 1-3 tablespoons sugar (I use very little, not even a tablespoon) 200 grams dark fair trade chocolate, snapped into pieces (I used C?®moi dessert chocolate) 2 eggs, whisked 1 tablespoon…

  • friday night refreshment, my way

    Is mint taking over your garden? ?áHere is one way to use it up. * Take a good fist full of mint from the garden * Coarsely chop it with scissors and put the mint into a shaker or jar * Add a little gin to the shaker. Add 3 ice cubes and juice of…

  • savour summer with tea-time in a park

    I like to go for coffee with friends a couple times a week. ?áThese are always important times for me where I am able to relax and unwind and just be with my buds. ?á When you live in a city and you have such a small apartment that your living room is also your…