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A Friend’s Recent experience becoming a yoga instructor
Guest Contributor Beata Sobolewski shares her transformation from a person who takes yoga classes to becoming a yoga instructor.
A few weeks ago I finished a course to become a Yoga Instructor. This journey, which spanned five months, would open my mind to a world of possibilities. From the lessons I learned to the people who?áI met, I have walked away with a grander meaning of life. I did not have much yoga in my life prior to the course, but now it is part of my daily living.
Yoga showed me the union of mind, body and spirit. Yoga introduced me to the things around us we cannot always see but greatly influence our lives; Einstein and other great philosophers spoke about the great-interconnected world in which we cannot always perceive with our five senses. Yoga allows you to tap into this world of potentiality. IÔÇÖm beginning to understand that as a human being each one of us is an energy being of pure potentiality.
We have been conditioned from childhood to believe that we are not powerful beings and are meant to live a mundane life of 9-5 five days a week. Throughout the course and what my instructor quoted as “the Unlearning Process”,?áI began to shake off some of these beliefs. If I had learned some of these attributes in my earlier years, I feel I would have greatly benefitted. However, I still greatly appreciate this knowledge. It is never to late to learn if one is open-minded and willing to stir up some?ábeliefs.
The greatest thing yoga did for me is to allow me to have an open mind. IÔÇÖve come to realize that?ánot one person has the answer;?áthis is a journey of self growth. We all have our own interpretations of situations, but?áby being able to listen to everyone and not always judge, we are beginning to change some of the programming of the Ego self.
The Ego, I learned, is the greatest illusion in our lives. ÔÇ£We are the same being in different disguisesÔÇØ is a quote spoken by my instructor that I always review and keep in my mindset. This quote is powerful, and when repeated frequently changes?áself-perception and perception of the people around us. The Universe is a living organism with full awareness of itself. The five senses allow us to have the illusion that we are all separate individuals when we are really all interconnected in a web of life.
IÔÇÖve learned that life is holographic and when you affect one part of the hologram you also affect all the other parts. We can see the pain, insanity and chaos in the world around us. This is due to the fact that people are lacking self-love and knowledge of who they really are. If we knew, then?áwe would not be?áharming our planet and ourselves. We are a global family and a new system needs to be implemented to fix some of our errors. I feel Yoga is a tool that can help heal the world we have created through our misperceptions about our reality.
I believe?áour world is a reflection of what we have inside of ourselves. When we begin to purify ourselves, we begin to purify our environment and everything around us.?áYoga shows not to repress our pain, but to acknowledge, accept and forgive it. Truly we are Energy, and energy cannot be destroyed. We are infinite and timeless. It is only the identity in our life that creates the world around us. I began to learn this is for a higher purpose and it is part of the one divine mind. This false ego keeps us trapped in our own delusions and blocks truth from the ÔÇ£real selfÔÇØ, which is not of the physical world. Yoga has allowed me to reclaim some of my true self beyond the physical means around me. We are more than the job, car, money, bank account, and title in society. Beyond the things we think make us happy lies a world of truth. Life has a natural flow and we must give to receive, love to be loved and care to be cared for. Our fears, anxieties and confusions are created due to the lack of knowledge about our true identities. This reality of our true self is kept purposely from us in order for us to rely on a system built of fear of our world and ourselves.
Within five months of my Yoga journey I am beginning to reclaim some of the power I have within me. However, this is not an easy process, it is?áa life-long work. As human beings on a physical journey, we have many layers that need to be undone and cleansed.?áI have greatly benefited physically and mentally on my journey to become a yoga instructor.?áA reward?áis that?áonce I have started to find my own inner peace, I may then do the same for the people around me. It is a great gift to?ábe able to teach people about this metaphysical world they may not have been previously introduced to.
I will forever be grateful for this experience, and now know the journey will not end here. The choice is ours about?áwho we decide to be in the world, and I am grateful?áthat yoga is allowing me to get to know my true self.
Montreal, Canada?á