Tag: Parc Lafontaine
a cool place in Montreal
I sat at this scene the other day, painting. It happened to be?áon a crest, and I felt the loveliest?ábreeze lifting off the water. There were some rogue, illegal?ábathers splashing away down below, but no-one seemed to mind. Their laughter and belly flops filled the air with the sound of children, even though they were…
Parc Lafontaine
Parc Lafontaine is?áa gem of a park in the heart of Montreal. It is one of those places that means much to many people. There is a rich history to the park itself, but you can opt to ignore everything and just bask in this oasis.?á Natasha Henderson, Montreal
A Brief Report: am running again after an injury
Several months ago I spent a couple of hours in the gym injuring myself. How did I injure myself? In between running on the track and doing some weights, I used a?ástubborn elliptical machine for?áhalf an hour, and then I used a stairmaster afterwards. The?áinflexible machinery, made for a certain?ábody with a particular stride and…