Tag: Montreal

  • Intro to Painting: Old Masters Basics

    Intro to Painting: Old Masters Basics: In this eight-week course, students will learn techniques used in both oil and acrylic painting. Students can choose to paint in either oil or acrylics. (For absolute first-time painters, acrylic is recommended.) Natasha will provide you with a list of supplies you will need to bring, upon registration. Play,…

  • surprise!

    The Small Works exhibition is on display?áin Fleurbain?áuntil January 7th, 2012. Originally?áwe’d planned to have the show on ’til only the end of last year, but happily events have occurred to allow the show to extend an additional week! So if you’d hoped to come by?áto see the Small Works but didn’t find time during…

  • taking care of things

    We have a couple of new mascots in Fleurbain, and both would like to wish you a merry Christmas. Lady B came onto the scene at the same time as Rosemary, who had spent the summer in our friendly neighbourhood community garden. They are both over-wintering in Fleurbain, taking full advantage of our large bright…

  • “Small Works” have big influence

    Small Works, the exhibition currently in Fleurbain, has had an effect on me. I spend a few hours each day in the presence of this collection of artworks. There are works by twelve artists (or artistic teams) to enjoy, and it is all food for thought. I like to compare and contrast the different approaches…

  • small works

    Some of Montreal’s artistic talents have come forth to present their gifts… to you. Visit us at Fleurbain during this season to take in some painting, photography and more… not to mention a cup of tea or glass of wine (depending on time of day!) BIG VERNISSAGE: Saturday December 10, 6-9pm Sunday December 11, 3-9pm…

  • Point Counter Point

    Our first exhibition in Fleurbain’s gallery space is on until December 7th… Natasha Henderson presents Point Counter Point, a suite of paintings that use the music and concepts of JS Bach as a point of beginning. The works are richly layered with paint and ideas. Counterpoint is a method of music in which concurrent themes…

  • up the mountain

    Last week while I was on a new (to me) part of Mount Royal, I took a photo of the trees. Little did I realise (well ok, I did know it was coming soon) that within a matter of days this scene would be covered with snow. I might get back for a white version…

  • Fleurbain. Is open.

    YES! We did it! We opened our doors to the public… On November 5th, we had a?á party and business-launch and vernissage of art! It was a fabulous evening. We are proud and happy to announce that we are HERE. You can join us! Tammy is available for full consultations and mini consultations. ?áPlease email…

  • one-shot workshop: felt scarf

    One evening,?áTuesday December 6,?á6:30-8:30pm $50, everything included! Felt is an amazing material. Real felt is made from wool or other animal fibres. It is compressed, agitated, boiled, and manipulated until it becomes a single piece of fabric. Felt was developed in every culture where herding animals were kept, and used not only for clothing but…

  • Drop-In Painting!

    Ever held an urge to pick up a brush and?áput your thoughts and feelings into paint? Want to try out acrylic painting, but haven’t had the means nor the time for it? For an inspiring and creative Sunday afternoon or Wednesday evening, invest $35 and two hours of your time and see what you can…