Tag: Flower

  • Greg Howes – Part Two

    ´?? Greg Howes continues?áthe story of his art, inspirations, innovations, and fearless creation. Please see yesterday’s post for the beginning of this story… I?ámoved to Carmarthenshire, south-west Wales in 1990, where fortunately I was able to continue my horticultural career. Shortly after that move I began to combine my love of plants and my passion…

  • Community Gardening With Tainted Plot: Becoming one of the Flower-People

    by Natasha Henderson, Montreal Community Garden. Plot. Allotment. A piece of earth, a bit of land. One can tend plants, care for the soil and those plants, and?áharvest the spoils as they happen. For several years IÔÇÖve known people who have had these little bits of land to grow vegetables, fruits and herbs. Beets, peppers,…