Tag: art

  • A Teaching Benefit

    One?áof the benefits of teaching to fully engaged students?áis the challenges that they?ápresent to?áyou. I am teaching a weekly course on felt-making; the first class for this new group was last week. All of the students were keen to learn, to do, to make. Outside of the enthusiasm that they brought to the class, they…

  • Getting To Know Galleries (a supportive guide for artists)

    Galleries can be intimidating for artists to approach.?áKnowledge is power, so it is important to understand a bit about galleries before you approach them. Most galleries have websites so you don’t have to go pummel the person working there with questions, and you can research many different?ágalleries from the comfort of your computer-screen. I do…

  • Crafting: A Sort of Therapy

    Crafting something from basic materials is a rewarding activity for anyone. When you have made something “from scratch”, you develop a sense of intrinsic accomplishment and pride.?áIn addition to the?ápure joys of making, there is?áthe final physical?áobject that you can use and?ádisplay. Crafting and art-making is good for you, and?ácan be used?áin a?átherapeutic manner. When…

  • Greg Howes – Finale

    ?áGreg Howes continues his story of artistic evolution, the third in a three-part series. The first installment is here, and the second is here. The next stage in my artistic evolution came when I started to arrange objects in advance of a shot, and then rearrange them for each separate shot. I used various arrangements,…

  • Greg Howes – Part Two

    ´?? Greg Howes continues?áthe story of his art, inspirations, innovations, and fearless creation. Please see yesterday’s post for the beginning of this story… I?ámoved to Carmarthenshire, south-west Wales in 1990, where fortunately I was able to continue my horticultural career. Shortly after that move I began to combine my love of plants and my passion…

  • Greg Howes – A History of Artistic Growth – Part one.

    ?áThe first of a three-part story about an artist I’ve had the pleasure to get to know through the cyber-world. Greg Howes is a multi-talented artist, gardener, historian, writer, actor, and generally very?ácreative person. This is a bit of his story… When Natasha Henderson asked me to write about?áthe motivation behind my art work, I…

  • Welsh Snowfall

    Thanks to Guest Contributor Greg Howes for these stunning photographs of the recent snowfall in Wales. Greg has a fascinating story that will be featured here, soon! Keep looking… ?á ?á All photographs copyright Greg Howes, 2010.

  • DIY: Simple Book-Making

    We’re getting into the crunch-time for gifts, be they DIY?áor store-bought. We all love DIY gifts… but who wants to shop for supplies right now? It’s mayhem out there! One thing you can make out of simple materials that you might have on hand, is a book. A book’s construction?áhas three basic elements: the covers,…

  • I gotta hand it to you… DIY Hand Puppet!

    Hand-puppets… they are fun, functional, and CUTE. Capital “c” cute. Cute! They are easy to make, and you can combine your imagination with whatever materials that are available to make something pretty cool. To start, find some fabric that is big enough to fit your hand with fingers spread widely, twice. When I made my…