duck’n out of the city for the mini-vaca

This summer I have been all about the mini-vacation. ?áMy vacations have included extremely short visits to Maine, New York, Vermont, Ottawa and of course, rural Quebec. The advantages to the mini-vaca include both minimal cost and time commitment. ?áIf you have a general idea on where you are going and you have a somewhat natural sense of direction/ability to read a map to get where you are going, the mini-vaca can be extremely energizing.

Do you have photos from your 2012 mini-vacation? ?áPlease send them our way, we would love to see them. ?áOur email address is:

Here are some tr?®s amateur photos from my shortest and cheapest vacation yet; the three hour tour.

I arrived at my destination by bicycle. ?á:)

the Biosphere, up close.
Some ducks. It is not always easy to show you my love of ducks through photography.
Out of Focus Ducks. ?áIs it just me or is this a bad name for a band/bad photo for an album cover? ?áHaha. ?áI have included this photo because there is something appealing in the form of the grass and soil retention mesh (or whatever you might call that…)
Surprise woodpecker sighting.
The tree stretches as the bird bops about.


One response to “duck’n out of the city for the mini-vaca”

  1. You know… I “just got” the title of this, and how it relates to the fowl of some of these photos. Ah, haha!