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Category: Art
Book Binding Basics
You need: -Paper?á -Good solid cardboard?á -Scissors or cutting edge?á -Gluestick?á -White glue or rubber cement?á -Cheesecloth or similar fabric?á -Pretty paper or fabric?áfor covering?á -More pretty paper?áfor inside of covers?á-Thread and needle As I mentioned once before, I managed to take a?ábook-making course during my final year of art-school. We learned various techniques to…
Greg Howes – Finale
?áGreg Howes continues his story of artistic evolution, the third in a three-part series. The first installment is here, and the second is here. The next stage in my artistic evolution came when I started to arrange objects in advance of a shot, and then rearrange them for each separate shot. I used various arrangements,…
Greg Howes – Part Two
´?? Greg Howes continues?áthe story of his art, inspirations, innovations, and fearless creation. Please see yesterday’s post for the beginning of this story… I?ámoved to Carmarthenshire, south-west Wales in 1990, where fortunately I was able to continue my horticultural career. Shortly after that move I began to combine my love of plants and my passion…
Greg Howes – A History of Artistic Growth – Part one.
?áThe first of a three-part story about an artist I’ve had the pleasure to get to know through the cyber-world. Greg Howes is a multi-talented artist, gardener, historian, writer, actor, and generally very?ácreative person. This is a bit of his story… When Natasha Henderson asked me to write about?áthe motivation behind my art work, I…