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Category: Art
How To Paint: a little light
Artists who paint are often?áfascinated with light. Light allows us to see; light forms the subject matter that?áis painted. When we paint, we are painting light both as it hits objects, and as it filters through atmosphere. However… sometimes we might like to paint actual light sources.?áHere is a?áshort example?áon how to paint a “Christmas…
Professional-ism in the Arts (II): Walk Harder
This morning I found myself reminiscing a little about things that art instructors have said to me that stuck in my memory. I was probably doing this for a few reasons: – I taught a class last night in which a student (who is also a teacher) mentioned “you are a good teacher”. – there…
coltsfoot on the edge of a lot
Click on the photo for a better view! photo by Tammy Schmidt, Montreal.
How To Paint: a small stand of trees in silhouette
Everyone likes trees. They are pretty and?áuseful things. So why not paint up a little stand of trees to call your own? Each Sunday, artist Natasha Henderson will guide you through some simple “How To” tips for painting. Having been (honestly) inspired at a young age by the oft-spoofed televised artist Bob Ross, Natasha would…
Photo theme for April: The Contrasts of Urban Nature
It’s April, and vibrant life is appearing all around us again. Spring has?ácertainly?ásprung (at least across North America!) Everywhere there is an urban setting, there is nature too. That little weed pushing its way through the sidewalk crack, the gull resting on top of a lamp-post, sunlight reflecting off buildings… animals, plant-life, and the Elements…
Professional-ism in the Arts: walk hard
It’s a rocky road, trying to get your art out there. Personally, I’ve submitted?áhundreds of packets to several?átypes of galleries over the years. A few?áI’ve found success with, and the rest said “no” or “not at this time”. One must be persistent?áin their practice. Persistent?áand?áfocused… while?árecognising there are?ácertain bounds that define professionalism and politeness. I…
Canadian Women Artists
There are some Canadian women artists whom I personally adore. Over the years they have proven to be an inspiration to me for my painting. These women are: Joanne Tod, Landon MacKenzie, Sandra Meigs,?áGathie Falk, and to a lesser degree Mary Pratt and Emily Carr. However, when recently asked to give a presentation about art…
Women Artists… we should all know more about this
When you look at the History of Art, you might wonder why there aren’t as many women in the books as there are men. Why is it that the grand, romantic notion of the solo artist, imparting brilliance and genius upon the sorry masses, is?áalways associated with a male figure??áWho says that this is really…